Seminarium Instytutu
W poniedziałek 14 października w godz. 12:15-13:15 odbędzie się seminarium, podczas którego referat wygłosi dr hab. inż. Arkadiusz Orłowski, prof. SGGW.
Tytuł: „Some problems at the intersection of geometric combinatorics, probability theory, and quantum mechanics. Part I: The grasshopper problem and its generalizations”
The search for new, stronger Bell inequalities has led to the formulation of an intriguing problem known as the “grasshopper problem.” I will discuss both the two-dimensional flat version (Euclidean plane) and the curved version (Bloch sphere surface). I will present an alternative formulation of the problem and prove several facts that go beyond the published results of numerical simulations (see: Olga Goulko, Adrian Kent, “The grasshopper problem”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 473, 20170494, 2017). I will also propose some interesting generalizations.